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Thesis Writing

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THW - Thesis Writing

Thesis Writing helps you to create your Thesis Statement; Reasearch Question; Research Hypothesis and actually suggest the statistical test you need.

Thesis Writing provides the best thesis writing software possibly in the world. Unlike other software that merely help in certain parts of the thesis writing process. Thesis Writing has a unique method.

Thesis Writing starts by identifying your Topics, Issues and Scope. Thesis Writing creates a weighted system for your consideration to evaluate your Topic.

Similarly, you can evaluate your Issue:

And your Scope.

Once you have evaluated your Topic, Issue and Scope, and decided on the final Topic, Issue and Scope, you can build your thesis title like as follows:

Which automatically results in the thesis title:

A Case Study of Kaizen Techniques to minimize Blood Bag Wastage in Ampang Central Blood Bank.

Using the candidate information collected online, Thesis Writing creates a sample title page for you. The numbered fields are for reference only.

Other pages such as the Approval and Permission page can also be generated automatically. Of course you can change the final look and feel as you like.

Even the acknowledgement can be synthesized to help you get started. This is helpful especially when you are getting started.

The resulting acknowledgement is:

I thank Academic Supervisor, Allan Croughton for being very helpful in the statistical analysis. He kept the coaching when everything seemed to be a failure. With his guidance, I have accomplished this thesis.

Next, you can synthesize the Thesis Statement using the Topic, Issue and Scope placeholder prompts developed earlier.

The resulting Thesis Statement is:

Although there are many ways to handling Blood Bag Wastage in Ampang Central Blood Bank perhaps the best way is to use Kaizen Techniques.

Having established the Thesis Statement, the Research Questions can be easily developed with Thesis Writing as shown below:

The sub-research question can then be developed using the placeholder method.

Once the sub-research question is formed, Thesis Writing can help you pick the right statistical test and even suggest your Null and Alternate Hypothesis tests!

The Thesis Aims are similarly produced with great ease as follows. Not only is this aim tagged here, it is used to compare if your aim is achieved later in the research.

When you have several hypotheses, Thesis Writing collates them all as follows:

Together with the Aims:

You can also manage your timeline with the built-in Gantt chart.

Linked to this Gantt chart is your Thesis Progress report.

Linked to this Gantt chart is your Thesis Progress report.

Description: http://webserver/ictm/soft/tmp/chart6ebb7df109a64e5a8da6856f64dea274.gif

Thesis Writing shows clearly what you have and have not done against what you should do.

Description: http://webserver/ictm/soft/tmp/chartd388a4c4c0924653b483f97e16030c1e.gif

If you are conducting questionnaire based studies, you can easily perform your Reliability and Validity tests.

Once you completed the Research Questions stage, Thesis Writing suggests the statistical test. Not only that, it also suggests the data collection template. Once you populate the data template Thesis Writing performs the calculations.

Depending on whether you are testing for left tail, two tail or right tail, Thesis Writing determines the conclusion for you.

Thesis Writing can handle advance statistical tests like Anova 2-Factor as shown below. Here it even does the Analysis of Variance for you.

Thesis Writing also generates the appropriate graphs as follows:

Thesis Writing can also collate your overall test data, hypothesis, statistical decision and conclusion together as below:

Thesis Writing also compiles your research status as follows:

If you hypothesis test is “Reject the Null Hypothesis” then a happy smiley is shown, otherwise a caution is show. This highlights that some parts of your thesis needs additional work and the overall icon is

Description: http://webserver/ictm/soft/images/app_images/THWTestAllFail.png

If all parts of the thesis are proven then the overall icon is

Description: E:\CD02Help\05maintenance\icons THW\THWResultPass.png

And you should be pleased that research data supports your thesis statement.

Thesis Writing can also collect all the results from each hypothesis test and prompt you for Recommendations or Future Work.

You can also add your own Limitations and Contributions.

There is also the ability to keep track of your References as follows.